Sunday, May 6, 2007

Chapter Seven

It was lovely twilight. The light was fading. And the sun was setting over the horizon. It was throwing a lovely orange glow that made everything appear orange. It made him feel nice. The sky, the trees, the clouds; he loved it all. A gentle breeze caressed their face. The moon had risen early and had made half its journey. It appeared above their head now. The birds were flying back home. This was THE PERFECT setting he could imagine to settle down after a day of hard work.

He could see even she was enjoying it. Then she talked, "So.. You like it eh?” And he described what he liked most in this lovely romantic nature's gift. Then they talked through the evening. He forgot everything he had prepared before he came to her place. They talked as though they had known each other for years. He was known to be a slow starter. And so was she. But they had no problems in getting started. They seemed to share common interests. Even the words they used turned out to be the same at times. She was beginning to laugh. True laugh... Happiness from the heart. He felt it. He was euphoric as well.

When they ran out of topics there was a momentary silence and he looked at his watch. It was 8 20 PM! They had talked for two hours! He was awestruck. He was expecting her to react the same way.

But those clouds of confusion started filling her eyes. Like a bright afternoon sunshine being darkened in a minute by storm clouds, those clouds filled her mind. She began feeling uneasy standing there with him. She wanted to break the conversation. She wanted to go down. They went down and her mother asked if he would stay for dinner. He decided not to and left soon after.

His emotions had dried out. He was happy beyond words. It was impossible to express it. He danced all the way home. But her reaction at the end was worrying. All said and done, it was a day to remember.

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