Saturday, April 14, 2007

Chapter Twenty Eight

Shakthi went home and prepared to sleep. He slept well that night after a long time. He had a lot of dreams. When he woke up in the morning he remembered some of the dreams and one of them was fresh in his memory. He had dreamt of shooting down birds in some hill side. He didn’t know why he got such a dream. He had never thought of shooting birds!

As walked over to his desk to pick up his things and was preparing to start his day, his sight fell on the pencil-scribbled-paper in which he found the letters “SR P”. Two birds… He kept wondering what those two birds could signify. Then he remembered his dream. Birds… Birds fly… “SR” may refer to Shweta Rao. Then what about “P”? Was it ‘P’ for Pankaj?? It made sense. And the pieces began to fall in place again! Shweta and Pankaj were to fly somewhere! They were going to use the plane! Shweta was indeed a very clever girl! She knew she couldn’t afford to make any visible marking in the building where she was being held. Her captors would notice it. So she made the scratch and had hoped it would be found eventually! And her hope had been answered!

But where were they flying to? From where were they flying? He had to know the place!

As though his question was being answered, his mobile phone vibrated. He picked it up. It was from the service provider. They had some good news for him. The guy who spoke asked why Shakthi hadn’t answered the call in the night. He realized how big a fool he had been! He had slept with his mobile in its vibrating mode and he hadn’t felt it while sleeping! The guy had tried calling him at night, but in vain. The information he carried was, there was a call that had originated from the mobile he wanted to trace. The call was too short for them to start the recording process. It had lasted for just six seconds. But they had been able to locate the place from which that call had originated. It was from Cochin!

Shakthi was on top of the moon hearing this! This could be it! He was confident he wouldn’t miss Pankaj this time around! But what confirmation did he have that they were going to Cochin? The call could have originated from there and Pankaj could be in any place. But something above all that feeling made Shakthi feel Pankaj was in Cochin! He trusted his instincts. It had saved his life on more than one occasion.

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